Be the person you
are meant to be

Shamanic healing for body and soul

What is shamanic healing?

Shamanic healing addresses mental, emotional and physical problems at their spiritual roots. Shamanic practitioners enter altered states of consciousness to seek healing and guidance for their clients from compassionate, helping spirits. This is an ancient practice that’s deeply rooted in humankind’s connection to nature.

Ryan Johnson - Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Meet Ryan

My shamanic practice is based on Core Shamanism, following the work of Michael Harner and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. This is a culturally-agnostic and ethics-driven approach to shamanic healing that focuses on near-universal techniques and compassionate helping spirits.

My services

  • Empowerments

    Deepen your resilience, peacefulness and personal power.

  • Body Clearings

    Extract energetic intrusions and attached spirits from your body.

  • Soul Retrievals

    Return pieces of your soul lost to accident, trauma, grief and stress.

  • Space Clearings

    Remove negative energy and unwelcome spirits from your home.

“Ryan helped me to heal deep wounds from my childhood that also carried back through many past lives. He listened carefully to my intentions and brought through healing with love and gentleness that I could physically feel in my body. Working with him helped me to end patterns of behavior that I had carried through life and helped to ease pain in my hip. As a shamanic practitioner myself, I recognize that we often need the help of others to bring their power and spirit to our healing.  Ryan has strong connections to his helping spirits and his abilities to heal are deep, potent and lasting.”

—Michele Elfers, Big Wave Journeys

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